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2003-03-09 - 9:03 p.m.

I loved having a Saturday off. Shari and I just bummed around all day after her tests in the morning. It was great.

A bit of a random thought: ever notice once a star has "made it" and is very popular for the press and stuff, that they can make a song that completely sucks ass and makes you want to set their CD on fire is just a "smash it" even though if they hadn't "made it" that their song would have just crashed and burned? What the hell? How comes they can suddenly start making complete crap and still be so popular? It's the damn press and videos because they made a good song before that their suckey oes are popular too? That's just dumb. I'm tired of hearing artists that we shouldn't even CARE where they are or how they're doing (becuase they obviously made enough money already for the rest of their life) keep making crap and still being popular. Like Justin Timberlake. I want to win some contest to see him LIVE on TRL. I would kick him in the nuts, and say "Cry me a river now, bitch. God that song just made me want to kill myself to end the agony, the only reason, ONLY REASON your album did good was because people already liked you from N*Sync, if you would have been a new artist your label would have dropped you faster than a hot coal singeing your flesh." and then walk out.


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