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2003-08-19 - 4:06 a.m.


*Name: Andrew

*AIM screen name: psychoticredhead

*Location: Indiana

*Birth date: 12/23/1982

*Which makes you how old?: 20

*And what sign: Capricorn

*Where were you born?: West Lafayette IN

*Occupation: Student/ Wal-Mart ASSociate Jack-of-all trades type dude

*Weight: 177

*Height: 6'0"

*Hair color: Red-Orange

*Eye color: Green


*Family: fuckers

*Car: 2000 Mercury Mystique with all the options except a smoker's package, heated seats, and a 6-cd change. None of which I wanted.

*Room: Um, it exists at that place I rent but don't sleep in...

*Computer wallpaper: Some stupid scenic picture of a sunset

*Wallet/purse: tri-fold, dark brown

*What you're wearing right now: A grey T-shirt, jean shorts and boxers (underneath of course).

*Bed sheets: They're a lot like that "windows - Clouds" theme*...

Toothbrush: My place: Electric, Shari's: the light blue one, even though she keeps using it on mistake

*Plans for today: goto bed, get up, goto work


*What's something new you tried recently: Um....behaving un-successfully.

*New friend/acquaintance you made?: Charles from Hardware

*If you could live anywhere, where would that be: Um, somewhere with low humidity

*Do you drink, do drugs, or smoke?: oh yeah definately. I'm a chain smoking alcholic for sure.... yeah...

*Are you a legs or boobs person?: ASS!

*What do you regret?: Not beating certain people to death.

*How do you express your anger?: Um.. I usually get pissed off at the world and curse a lot. Sometimes I just hide it though.

*What's the most common reason you cry: My other half completely misinterepting things, to a complete opposite of what was meant.

*What's your biggest health problem: Sinuses.

*What are you doing this upcoming weekend: Work, and more work, and some sleep

*What time did you wake up today: About 12:30, but I was awake at 8 a.m.

*Do you like little kids?: Sometimes their irresponsible parents need to beat them, or get beaten themselves.

*What do you want to do before you die:

Get married, have lots of sex, have 2-4 kids, raise them well, retire!

*Are you using a desktop or a laptop: desktop, but if I were at my place it would be a laptop.


*Dessert: Um.. A milkshake

*Actor: John Cusack

*Actress: Um.. Not fucking Drew Barrymore! She's nasty and makes me want to vomit.

*Movie: I don't really have a favorite. I really like: Gone in 60 seconds, Seredipity, High Fidelity, Bettter Off Dead, Grosse Pointe Blank, Office Space Clerks.

*Television show: Futurama

*Cartoon character: Bender! "Bite my shiny metal ass!"

*Part of your own body: Um, my mind cause it allows me the constant state of insanity of which I so richly enjoy,

*Saying: "Fucker" or "Fuckers"

*Hollywood couple: They all should BURN

*Band: Um... Third Eye Blind

*Song: I don't know but I now have "We all live in a Yellow Submarine, a Yellow Submarine, Yellow Submarine" playing in my head.

*Music genre: Rock/Punk/Grunge/Metal/Hip-Hop

*Private getaway: If only I had one....

*Flower: I don't care.

*Scent: Shari's hair

*Sport: The one where I chase down the assholes and beat them with a blunt object (i.e. Shovel, Crow Bar, Big Ass Metal Pole). Wait... is that a sport?

*Website: :)


*Thing you bought: Mountain Dew

*Movie you saw in the theater: S.W.A.T.

*Who did you see it with?: Shari, Kelli, Nate, Charles.

*Movie you rented: Pushing Tin

*Thing you ate: Scrambled Eggs

*Person you called: That answered: My sister

*Person who called you: 'Rents

*Person you IMed: I have no fucking clue

*Person who IMed you: ditto

*Song you listened to: Bring me to Life


*Single or taken: Taken, and very much at that.

*How old were you when you got your first kiss: I can't remember, I was young. 6-8 somewhere in there.

*Was it tongue?: Yes, and I thought it was disgusting.

*First and last name of the first person you slept with, if you know it:

*How many times have you been in love: Only once really, but I thought I was in love before that.

*How many crushes have you had: A bunch

*How many crushes do you suspect you have been the object of: I don't care

*Do you believe in love: Yes

*Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: No


*Once: there was a man from Nantuckit...

*Is this: yours?

*I don't: smoke crack!!!!

*And: Your Mom!

*Please: *pause* thanks!

*Will you : shut up!

*I'm: Andrew.

*I have: no socks.

*I can: eat cheese.

*Maybe: CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!

*Everything: is like cheese!


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