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2003-05-25 - 1:27 a.m.

I make Shari feel inadiquate ar work, plain and simple. I don't mean to, it evidentally just happens. When she has these feelings before I tried to tell her and convince her she's not a loser that they're just being assholes she believes me over the "world" for maybe five minutes.

I hate working not being orgnaized or as functional as it could be, it's one of my work traits. I never realized it before but I make a lot of people at work resent me, or they feel inadequate because I always want to change things for the better. And not everyone else does.

I also realized today that I'm bored with my job. It's just not exciting anymore, that's why I make my lists of complaints about the people "in power". I need different things, or changing things to keep my attention into it.

At work when I'm at the Courtesy Desk and I'm bored I look through the Electronic Journal of the transactions of the day on m register (or search for my name on random days to see what I bought when) just to not be bored.

I was THE closing cashier tonight at work too, it was just me and floor associates on the registers and I found enough time to let my mind wonder, and to find bordem even.

Rodney is a cool manager.-a bit random but true.


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